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Bloks: physical toy

Project Bloks was a research program aiming to create a hardware platform to help developers, designers and researchers build the next generation of tangible programming experiences for kids. Our design research into the benefits of tangible computing began in 2013 and concluded successfully in 2018. We created a modular system for tangible programming made up of electronic boards and programmable pucks — which enabled people to send instructions to devices when connected together.

The project was conceived in 2013 and research concluded in 2018. It began when a small group of interaction designers and programmers in Google Creative Lab got together. We wanted to help get the powerful ideas of computational thinking into the hands of younger kids by building on the long-standing academic research into using tangibles for learning.

We started small — doing extensive research into the existing lineage of tangibles, so we could figure out how to push the conversation forward. Pretty soon the project gathered pace, garnering interest from Google’s Education and Research teams, and along the way we developed relationships with Paulo Blikstein, Director of the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab, Stanford, and IDEO, experts in human-centered design.

More info:

MY ROLE: (Senior Producer in Bloks 1.0 and 2.0)

  • Managed internal team to develop concept into something physical

  • Briefed and organise work flow with initial prototype partner

  • Supported and production of first initial prototype

  • Researched potential partners for prototype phase 2

  • Planned and worked on logistics with our partner for phase 2 of the prototype

  • Lead Creative Lab team workflow (interface design and blocks look and feel)

  • Researched and met Illustration/animation companies

  • Managed relationship with the appointed animation company

  • Worked with all 3rd party partners on production up to delivery

  • Worked with internal team on creating branding, positioning and name for the product

  • Organised user testing sessions in London

  • Gathered results and learnings from testing sessions

  • Oversaw production of poster and mood film

  • Organised logistics of distribution of final prototypes

  • Oversaw extensive testing of final products and worked with our partners on addressing issues and learnings