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DevArt Young Creators

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An education component of DevArt designed to inspire a new generation of developers through the lens of creativity - designed for students aged 9-13 years who have never tried coding before.

The objective was to enable educators to give their students a new found appreciation for the creative possibilities of code. The first phase was a three week series of creative workshops for schools — each led by the DevArt interactive artists. Each session, hosted in the DevArt section of the Digital Revolution exhibition, included hands-on activities, giving children the opportunity to make their very first creation with code: a digital butterfly, a piece of music, or a 3D-printed art piece. Each workshop was developed into lesson plans in-line with the UK’s new national computing curriculum, and distributed to educators by arts and technology organisations.


  • Defined workshops content with the artists

  • Worked with the edu team at the Barbican (on logistics and schools schedule)

  • Defined all workshops logistics (materials...)

  • Planned logistics and production of workshop testing in local school 

  • Worked with creative lead to define bespoke furniture for the sessions and oversee production of this furniture

  • Briefed engineers volunteers before the sessions

  • Artists support during the sessions

  • Oversaw production of workshop materials

  • Oversaw photoshoot session and video production of some of the sessions

  • Briefed teachers and introduced teachers and artists